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Friday, November 6, 2009

Manikar beach(fun day)

Today went to Manikar beach with lesly
cause no transport so she send me.
Then at there we met with the Undies.
We were like crazy already in the early morning.
When the rehearsal finish,
cici,choco&i went to the bathroom and took pictures.
She is a blur person but funny too.
She is very nice to play with one i tell you this.
She's very kind. I love this Teacher so much.
My Class Teacher {wan}

Love this day so much.
After that, we went to the beach!
And as usual choco was the head start.See what i meant? hahaha
Then choco took a picture of me.
How ridiculous.For me,
this is FUNKY!
Love the way she took my picture ;)

After that,
I took a picture of our shadows.Nice right?
If you were there,
You would be so happy....
And happy that you were with us.

After that,
I took pictures of cici&choco near a boat.
This 1 i like.
Its like choco is saying
"Im the superman of the boat so beat it"
End of today's post.
P/S: Love the people who cared about me ;)

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