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Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Today i chat with teacher Lela in Yahoo Messenger, we we're chatting normal things. Until i said i want to wash the drains outside my house. So i told her that but i didn't wash the drains but i did GARDENING how awful was that. I told my kakak that it was too late to wash the drains so she asked me to pick. Whether to wash the drains or do the gardening you know la which 1 i pick. "GARDENING" I regret choosing that It was a tough job you know I cut the branches of the trees and it was so hard The branches was too hard till i almost cut my finger The worst part was, when i was throwing the branches to the jungle i fell cause of some bird poop why is this happening to me I ain't fooling around and my back is so pain. How dare that bird Curse you BIRD Urhh! I ain't gonna write anymore cause of that incident. Besides, teacher Lela made me happy well, well, Got to go now. BYE!

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