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Friday, November 13, 2009

It's the end of school for 2009

Today was the best day ever But it was the sad thing is today was the last that I am going to be with my classmates some of them go away, some of us change classes. How terrible is that! I want to flash back our memories.(Teacher Rayaniti's Birthday/Farewell party)
(20Nov2009,raya with cici&Tal_tal)(On Wednesday;teacher Lela playing dam with Michelle A.)(Gotong-royong:washing longkang,STEPHANIE!)
(On Sunday, walking with durian& cici{Not include kakak})(Manikar Beach 6Nov2009)(10Nov,bus stop;eating chocolate!)(22August2009,interact installation;Grand Dorsett)
(31Oct2009,Tal_tal's birthday;Seasport)(12Nov2009,finish school;3 ladies walking down the hall)
(12Nov2009,finish school;reading cici's comic)
(Today,13Nov2009,at class 1A2;choco,cici,cat,sofi)(Today,13Nov2009,at class1A2;FINISH SCHOOL)

This is the end of my memories that i cherish till 13Nov2009. I love my class 1A2. Next year everyone please "VOTE for me to be you're Ketua Kelas!" I still wanna continue my mission to make you all happy;)End of this post, Now i even wanna cry when i wrote this but i'm saving my tears when i graduate from St.Anne, what a lovely school...

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