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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Last day at Manikar Beach Resort

Today was the last day at the Manikar Beach Resort.
Had a fun day today.
Aku telah mengambil kesempatan untuk bergambar dengan
Cikgu Wan,Cikgu Roazita&Cikgu Lela.
Happy this they all 1 faces.
Especially Cikgu Lela; i like that teacher. So happy.
I even took pictures of them with me i mean;)
The 1st teacher i most love is teacher LELA.Love this teacher{lela}
She so kind and so polite to me;)
Besides we're like pals.
She even "Ban ke ai"

Next in line is teacher Wan,
Now i didnt take her picture secara curi-curi.
I love this picture when i took with her cause,
She even peace to the camera;)So happy her face.
This is my form 1 class teacher.
After 2 weeks time she will not
be my class teacher already

that's the saddest part.
I love all the teacher that have
ever taught me.

I will never forget them.
They are my precious memories
so i will always cherish it.
The last in line is teacher Roazita.This teacher i will always remember{Roazita}
Cause i had a very funny experience between her
That is why i will never forget her.
Besides, i like to see this teacher laugh&smile.

So happy. I love to see all the people smile.
Its like their faces are this

:) :0 ;) :/ XD ==
&many more
This will be the day that i will always
cherish in my whole life.
Beside Scream&choco were playing the swing and
Sofi took some picture.
This picture i upload looks like im conducting them XD
See what i meant?
Hehe... Im the conductor now.
So hear my COMMANDS!!Another picture of me and chocoXD
You know,that kid at the behind of me
I almost hit him on the head
Using the swing, i was like almost
heart attack. Sofi even took a picture of it
"So close"
Luckily he duke his head if not,
I would end up in JAIL!
Then Syuhaila keep on laughing when
I almost hit that kid. =="

After that i went to the pool!!
We were sun bathing for a minute or 2 ;)
You see that,
We're so happy sun bathing&
we even saw a american woman with her bikini.
And i tell you this,
She doesn't even look good in it XD
And i was there dying of sun bathing :)

I&Choco washed our feets in the pool.
Then i even thought if i wanna jump in or not.You can see that i was thinking if i wanna jump.
But i ended up jumping cause
Beatricia&Sofi pushed me way down.....

After that we went to the Restaurant,
To eat!
Cause at first we were ashamed but we ended up
eating anyway. HAHAHAHA!
The teachers in the back also are eating.

We even took a picture of us"The Undies"see, we were so happy.
I wanna go...
So Good bye.
And Enjoy!

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