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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sleep,watch(tv),com,eat,sleep(my day)

Take care of the house cause
My kakak went out.
So i was forced to take care of the house.
Nothing really happen in the house.
Nothing special.
I slept and cook "maggi colomian"
You all should try that. Its really nice.
After eat, watch TV cause boring and lonely.
Then sleep.
Then play the com.
Checking my facebook,friendster,msn&blog.
What should i do? Its my holiday day.
I had no one to chat today.
So lonely.
Don't know where all the people went.
Maybe Mars!
This song right.
One of Beyonce's songs.
Its nice but...
Cause last time i was reading my TSGS book while i was hearing the song.
The story fits the song.
It was about a girl and her friend.
Her friend was demure and was married to a guy.
Then they moved away.
When the other girl went to visit her friend.
She saw her friend's house.
There was no electricity and all of that.
The worst part is her friend was so skinny.
Then one day,her friend and her child was killed by her husband.
With a parang!
Then she was dead.
It totally fit the scene ( the song)
Dude, am so sad to type anymore.
Pity that young woman who died.

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