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Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Today i'm so lonely and home.
With no one to talk to.
I always wanted a sister.
But...I didn't have one.
I was very lonely...
I want one more member in my family to cheer me up.
Is that much to ask? I wonder...
I always wanted a big sis.
I want one.
I want one.
I want one.
Its driving me crazy.
Seeing all of my friends with their sister is so cool.
I want one so much.
I already have friends to be with me.
I don't need a sister anymore.
My obsession is too high.
I'm stopping.
This is like an addiction.
But its okay.
I have to face the fact that i don't need a sister.
I have brothers.
Their kind, polite and good to me.
I don't hate them.
Their my family.
My only brothers.
I love them.
Thank god i have brothers.

I love them

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