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Monday, August 17, 2009


Today Moral subject cause we were singing
Then me and my friends sing fin.
I sat with teacher Jun cause she was sitting on my chair.
So we laugh and laugh
But she started it.I was just following.
Then fin Moral.
Teacher Hanijah didnt came cause of she was going "Pemantau"
I didnt bother.
I take care of the class.
So noisy.They keep making me laugh cause i angry so funny.Do i?
Then,i was so angry,i took it serious.I angry them "够够"
Then they just keep quiet.
I was so proud.- -
Then when i go check if teacher Hanijah came back already or not.
But still not yet.
But on the way there,i say teacher Jun and she was on the way to the teacher's lounge.
When she was going to turn the doorknob,She stop and say "eh kamu!"then she smile.
Then i see my back and i notice that she was talking to me.
So i was happy, i even wave to her.She waved back.
That kinda gave me the thrills but its worth it.Am so happy.
Happy much.This is my day.Nothing to write any more.

PS:My eyes are "bengkak" dunno why.Maybe scratch too much.

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