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Monday, August 3, 2009


Today,sick.Got flu.But got go to school.
When go to school.
At the subject science,went to the middle of the library.
At there,teacher teach us.
Fin science,i shouted stand up.Then i laugh till teacher BOOM me again.
So tired,teacher scold me.

Went to toilet want to do my thing.
Teacher Hanijah come bringing joey and teacher Yahya.
Teacher BOOM me again= =
I then hold the book i was holding.
When she scold me.
She say "jangan menyibuk arr kathrine,u pegi kelas sekarang"she shouted.
Then i hold the book and said "but i want to go to toilet!!"
Then she say"mau pegi,pegi la.Jangan cakap dengan Joey"then when i went in.
Teacher Yahya also went in- -in the girls room- -
Then i said nevermind la= =

then at there,i so tired.
Then now,im really so tired.I need to rest more.So


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