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Monday, September 14, 2009


It was the last day we can see teacher Latha...
We were so sad including me....
I hugged her two times and it was tight....
Two teachers have leave the building...
And i don't like it.
I want it to be like those few months...
More exciting...
As in,
The early mornings in school,
I can see them.
But now....
I can't anymore....
Teacher Rayaniti is in Pekan 1 teaching...
Teacher Latha is going to rest and not going back to L.I.S teaching again.
She said that she would go to Kuala Lumpur and teach...
That's so far....
Now i decided that,after high school i'm going to K.L to study.
So that i can meet Teacher Latha and my old english teacher,Teacher Francisca.
Can't wait till that day.
I must study hard to meet them again.

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