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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Please rest in PEACE.

Today was a do nothing day.
Feel so boring...
At the afternoon.
My dog Tommy died
That is a really sad thing to happen
I wanna cry but the tearsjust can't come out.
I mean it's like people come and go.
But this is dogs died and go.
It's also is the almost same meaning.
Am too sad to even write anymore.
Tonight my dad's coming back!
Am gonna get my donuts

Teacher Rayaniti's birthday celebration is on 4 of oct!
Its on sunday.
12:00pm - 2:30pm
At Mom's snow house!
Be there if you only appreciate her.
If the people that doesn't appreciate her is welcome to go home.
Sorry to be harsh but people that doesn't appreciate her
Is rubbish
And i don't feel sorry to you!

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