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Friday, September 4, 2009

Laughter makes us young.

I didnt update my blog cause of....
Got too many homework to do.
And its Malay and History.
How lame is that.
Ok, stop talking about Homeworks.
But i can't stop talking about it.
I mean when the first day of school,
Terus ada kerja rumah ni!
When tuition,
Teacher Rebecca,Esther,Jane and I
Then I forget what we laugh
Till TEACHER also laugh.
Then she said,
Esther 1 expression was so funny.
Until teacher suddenly laugh out loud=.=
Dia satu orang lagi tu.
Then we all pun laugh cause
Teacher laugh so "Gila Lucu"
Then all the people laugh for nothing...
Then Cristal came.
So late she came.It was like 800
Then teacher spell Cristal's name wrong.
Cristal = Crystal
Then we gave her the noob face.
Then she know immediately.
Then all people laugh.
At school,
We took pictures.
Mine and Lesly was
Bola Jaring & Interact Club.
So we wait...
After the pics.
Our class 1A2 took our picture,
Then we just remembered that we don't have a class teacher
For the time being.
So suddenly Teacher Wan was our new class teacher.
That was shocking.
Now that we know our class teacher.
All the students quiet only.
Then at English,
Teacher Siti see Teacher Latha teach.
Maybe she exam her.
Then teacher Siti said teacher Latha
Would not be teaching us anymore in with in 2 weeks.
Then we all gave the sad face
Terus we all silent.
Ba, then we write a letter to Pn. Chan Kwi Fong.
To tell her not to let Teacher Latha go away.
We really did it.
I and Lesly and Kakak went to the next house.
To check for any problem.
We check all the cupboards.
When we open one of it,
We saw a pair of undies.
We were like
An that was a surprise.
We saw a dead bird on the floor outside.
It turned into skull.
Amazing isn't it?
I hope i didn't disturb your appetite.
Besides, it looks like a dinosaur.

Until now.
So long

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