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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sad But happy in the end.

Today i cried at school cause of
Missing Teacher Rayaniti and Teacher Latha...
I cried when PSK cause the teacher said something
That made me cried.
When i was crying,Jasmin said
"You don't need to cry,you're situation is not
badder than mine,you lost teachers and i lost my parents"
I was like.
"My God? " i know she was adopted.
But she really was adopted by a brother.
After school,i saw teacher Rayaniti,
I then quickly hugged her.
She was so shock,
but she knew it all along.
She even gave me her HP num!
Yipih! so now we can contact each other.


In the afternoon,lesly came my house.
We played for no reason.
We went out to explored,
She said this
"I want to take a picture of me being 'NOOB' "
Then she really did got her wish,
Cause i accident-ly took 1.

Passer-by: I have no comment of this picture.
Owner: Hahaha! It was an accident.
Passer-by: O really? she looks a pit like a bunny.
Passer-by: ...... Goodbye

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