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Friday, October 2, 2009

What a heck of a day!

I wore my heels,sleek and a white blouse.
When i went to school,
All my friends thought i was going to work in the office.
I was like ==|||
I and Syu went to arrange all our foods and stuff.
We were so exhausted.
But we ended up having a fun day.
Teacher Junaidah said thanks to me for the Hari Raya card.
She was happy anyway.
At least she is happy.
I like to see people smile
It makes me welcome.
Remember a smile makes everyone happy.
And happy always comes with a smile ツ
We ate a lot at school.
A lot till some of the teacher "Take Away" some of the food.
Lesly's sleeping tonight in my house.
And Stef just now played with me.
We were like crazy women.
We kept laughing till our stomachs hurts.
End of story.

BTW: 2009 is fading much quicker than you know,
And i don't like that.
But still, we need to move on.

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