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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Happy B'day teacher Rayaniti!

Today we celebrate teacher Rayaniti's b'day in Pizza Hut!
Luckily we didnt short of money that's for sure.
We sang for her and joked with her.
This was the happiest day i will never forget.
Teacher didnt even know how to express all her feelings.
All the things we've done is only just for her.
She was happy though,
At least she's happy all of us are happy too.
We had a great time with her.
We walked with her in financial park.
Actually, we stand in front of the Aerematics center
While hugging her.
Everyone keep looking at us.
And the Melissa was a " Scumbag"
What a suitable name to call her.
Cause she is 1.
When we were in the Pizza Hut,
We laugh out loud til my uncle : Uncle Michael
Came to the table and say
"Wa, you all 1 voices so loud til there also can hear."
All my friends and teacher including i kept on laughing.
What can we do?
We're so happy!
So happy.
This was the day that i will never forget.
All my friends will not!
So this is the end.

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