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Friday, May 29, 2009

Stress makes me puke :(

Today gotong royong. Soooo tired, Syuhaila,Ashley,Sharlene,Cristal and me cleaned our class. Sooo tired. Then Prescylla,Azliana,Maybelle And Afifah cleaned the drain. Then in our class got 1 bee house(SO BIG!! AND SO MANY!!!!). Teacher Arifin spray the bee house but he didn't know still got bees still lying there undead. Then we carry our chairs to the tapak perhimpunan. Walao! So heavy!!! and then i helped them to pass up their books(science,maths B, and the result card)when i puted the science books on teacher Hanijah's table was so messy. So i helpedher to arrange her table properly then my english teacher(teacher Siti Mahamooda) poke me at my stomach and said "wa!! soo Rajin?" then my face sooo WAKAKAKAKAAKKAKA XD then saw my science teacher,i told her i helped her to arrange her table. She just gave me a smile,so happy :) And when we 1 to go back,So pissed off cause the teacher TeH ask us to clean the windows again cause got bee house. Then when she go, my friend said "YOU CLEAN YOURSELF LA!!! YOU SEE THE BEE HOUSE STILL GOt BEE LA!!!!" i also sooooo ANGRY!!!!! until when she complain i put cotton in my ears!!! i mean,SO ANGRY LA!!! IF YOU WERE THE ONE THAT IS BEING COMPLAIN,SOOOOO i dunno how to say. HUH!!! NO MOOD already!!! GOODBYE!!!!

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