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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Let's get this party Started!!

Today was like WOW!! i went to school...i sitted with gan,ster,jane,eva lynette,diana liew n lydia. we talk so much and during pidato i slept too much till the teacher say "OI!! dun sleep,hear wat they are saying!" i mean PIDATO!! Boring!!ok...after tat,gan n me went to ster and jane's house to take jane and ster's things.Dude,u will nt believe wat i saw abt her house that will always make me remeber....u knw wat i saw? u dunno rite?ok,i'll tell you....cause i saw her hamster's butt so BIG!!! two males kah yg big,ster and jane also kena terkejut....thn jane and ster's mother say maybe the hamsters haven't go to potty(toilet) or something....and thn gan saw the other hamster 1 fur turn to yellow thn we terkejut....gan saw corn inside the cage n she thought the corn was the meaning that the hamster's fur turn yellow...thn ster ask jane y? cause jane puted medicine on the hamster cause it was hurt or something.....dude...when they come my house ...i juz can say WOW!!!!OH MY LORD!!! they keep shouting and thn diana liew n lydia come...thn eva pang come.....then maybelle come.....thn when belle come we terkejut her....cause today was her b'day....but without presant==".thn we ply sdo...lydia practice cause it was her 1st time.... so she keep losing==".so gan hlp her thn gan plus the speed thn WOW!!!! the notes keep flying there and her like the com kena disease....hahahaha.....thn ster,jane n gan take off their pinafore thn they all like wild animals...keep shouting there and her like they never shouted b4....thn we ply hide and seek....thn i hide in the easiest place...is....climbing the gate but nt moving so they wouldn't knw...thn i hide again at the tanky.... gila they keep searching that place till i cannot tahan holding the beam anymore like i want to pengsan....syg si eva lynette didn't came...

so tired ...till here thn...bye...

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